Far too much fraudulent activity occurs on the Internet. Fraud, such as phishing and spamming, are common attacks that you may have seen. We will never contact you unsolicited via email or any other method and ask for you to verify an account number, password, PIN (Personal Identification Number) or Social Security number.
If you believe you have received a suspicious email that purports to be from us:
- Immediately forward the email to reportphish@fnbo.com.
- Do not modify the message, subject, or any links within.
- Delete the email, do not click on any links or respond in any way.
We will review the report and take necessary action to shut down any fraudulent websites. If you have clicked on a link or you believe you may have unintentionally compromised your account information, contact us immediately.
Safe & Secure:
You can still conduct business safely online as long as you have the information necessary to protect yourself. In general, you can enhance the safety of your online experience by heeding the following suggestions:
- If you receive a suspicious email or text message, do not click on any links, open any attachments, reply to the sender, or provide any information. Likewise, do not provide any information to suspicious callers. If you are unsure whether the caller is from the business they claim to represent, call the business back at a number you have verified through another source (phone book, Internet, etc.).
- It is strongly recommended you not send confidential information unencrypted via email or other means (such as Social Security numbers, account numbers, mother's maiden name, annual income, source of income, etc.).
- If you have questions regarding your accounts, contact us.
- If you are using a public computer, log out of all websites and close the email program and Internet browser you are using before you leave. Be wary of using public computers or Wi-Fi for conducting sensitive transactions.
- Viruses and malware are often spread by pop-up windows that look like alerts from your bank or other reputable businesses. Do not enter personal information in pop-up windows, and keep your antivirus software current.
- Use the latest version of internet browsers and email programs.
- Review your email service provider's Security Policy. Or, have your email service provider explain their Security Policy. Be cautious about sharing personal information through email.